A new virus like corona spread in China after 5 years. New Corona-like virus spread in China after 5 years: Young children are most affected, claim- China imposed emergency

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After 5 years of Covid-19, a new virus infection is once again spreading in China. Its symptoms are also like Corona virus. According to Economic Times, the name of the new virus is Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV). It is an RNA virus.

When infected with the virus, patients show symptoms like cold and Covid-19. Its biggest impact is being seen on small children. Among these, children below 2 years of age are most affected.

According to China’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), its symptoms include cough, fever, nasal congestion and wheezing. Apart from HMPV, cases of Influenza A, Mycoplasma Pneumonia and Covid-19 are also being reported.

Claim- China declared emergency

In a post made on social media, posting photos of patients, it has been claimed that China has declared emergency in many places after the spread of the virus. According to the claim, crowding in hospitals and cremation grounds is increasing.

However, no such information has been given by China. According to the report of The Star, CDC has said that the risk of infection is higher in patients already suffering from diseases like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary.

The risk of spreading the virus through coughing and sneezing is high. Once infected, its effects are visible in 3 to 5 days.

Identified for the first time in 2001

The HMPV virus was first identified in 2001. A Dutch researcher had detected this virus in samples of children suffering from respiratory disease.

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