Many important suggestions have been sent to the government regarding early childhood care education. In this, when children should be enrolled in school, their age is also told. This is revealed in the ASER. Since 2005, NGO ‘First’ has released ‘Anuel Education Status Report’ (ASER) every year, which aims to measure basic education and arithmetic levels, attendance and other important standards among school children. This data has received important information about changes in various aspects of education. In detail about this, Dr. Rukmini Banerjee, CEO of the first CEO, has extended this report in detail.
2024 Survey’s main points
The 2024 survey reached 6,49,491 children in 17,997 villages and 605 rural districts. This showed significant improvements in education for children of pre-primary age group (3 to 5 years). Apart from this, after the loss of education during Kovid-19 epidemic, there has been a lot of improvement in studies and arithmetic. The survey also includes digital literacy information for the first time, especially for children aged 15 and 16.
This level of education has been in 2024
Children from class 1 to 3 have shown a lot of improvement in studies and arithmetic compared to the ASER report of 2022. At the same time, two major changes have come out for children between 3 and 6 years old. Pre-school education has increased from earlier, 2018 to 2024, and in 2024, 77.4% of 3-year-old rural children are enroll in some early education program, which is a major achievement.
Changes after National Education Policy (NEP)
The National Education Policy (NEP) included children between 3 and 6 years old in the big structure of education. The purpose of NEP is to give basic literacy and priority to Arithmetic (FLN). Foundational Literacy and Pneumracy (FLN) means basic skills in reading, writing, and mathematics. The objective of the NIPUN Bharat Scheme started in 2021 is to get FLN up to class 3. The survey found that 83% of schools have received government instructions to implement FLN activities, and 75% of schools have received educational material required for this.
Early childhood care education should be more focused
According to NEP, enrollment in class 1 should be at the age of 6 years, because if the child starts going to school very soon, it can be a counter productivity. ECCE is being focused on focusing, so that children can get preparations for three years before admission in class 1. Most of the 3 to 5 -year -old children go to Anganwadi, and many states are now being given special training for Anganwadi employees.
What was found about 15-16 year olds?
According to the 2024 survey, the percentage of non-enroll in school among children aged 15-16 has come down to 7%. In terms of digital literacy, more than 90% of rural teenagers have access to smartphones. Children were also tested on activities like finding online information or setting alarm. However, in some areas there was a difference in digital skills between girls and boys.
Future direction for ecce
To achieve the quality of Early Childhood Care Education (ECCE), it is necessary to understand the current realities first. This requires more detailed and frequent data collections. Also, there is a need to change the education budget, so that specially trained teachers can be recruited and trained for ECCE.
Also read: ASER 2024: Enrollment dropped in government schools in rural areas, due to decline, report was revealed
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