Humans cannot see at night so how do bats and cats see know the reason

Innumerable species of animals are found on earth. All animals have their own different feature. Because of which they are known. Some animals have listening ability, while some animals are faster. But today we will tell you about an animal, which can be seen even in the dark darkness of the night. Please tell that even in this darkness, a person does not see it.

Animal characteristic

All animals found on earth have their own distinction. Which helps them live life. One such animal is also bats. Please tell that many people feel that bats do not have an eye. But this is wrong. Actually, the eye of bats is very small and they also see them in the dark of night.

Bats -eye

Please tell that bats have eyes. In fact, many species of bats are comfortable compared to other mammals, including humans, including humans. Bats have generally smaller eyes and they are often active at night. Which means that they need less intense vision. At the same time, bats depend on the process called ecolocation to navigate in darkness and find food. In this process, bats extract loud sounds from their mouth or nose, which are called ultrasonic calls.

How do cats look at night?

Like bats, cats are also visible at night. There are many creatures in this world, which can be seen at night. Cats are also one of those creatures. Billia can see the same during the day, can see exactly the same at night. Actually, their eyes have a timber lucidum. This is a structure that reflects the light back through the retina and the cats start to see everything clearly at night.

Why the cat’s eye shines

Now the question is why the eyes of cats shine. Let us know that behind the retina of the eyes of the animals, there is a tissue named tissue lucidum and it is also called Ishine. These are not special in humans. Due to this tissue, their eyes shine in the dark. Let me tell you, the tapedam luxidum tissue present in the cat’s eyes is of cells like crystal. That is why it reflects the light like a glass and sends it back to the retina. Their eyes shine like a flashlight.

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