Cement is most widely used thing made by humans in world

Today’s human was first a primitive human. Gradually his mind developed and he invented everything from stone tools to the wheel. Along with this, human civilization also developed and humans started inventing new things according to their needs. Today, from the time we get up from bed till we go to sleep again at night, we keep using things made by humans. Be it a bulb that lights in the room or a spoon for eating food.

That is, everything from needle to airplane was created by humans and started being used, but do you know about the thing made by humans which is used the most. It is claimed that almost every person in the world would have used this thing, but do you know its name?

What is that thing?

You might be thinking that when humans had invented the wheel long ago, it would have been used the most. However, this is not the correct answer. Humans have created many things, one of them is cement. The same cement which is used to build houses, bridges, roads, dams and many other things. Cement was invented in 1824 by English mason Joseph Aspdin. He built it using limestone and clay. Later, other types of cement were made and this is the thing which is used the most in the world. That means it is the most consumed resource on this planet after water.

Cement consumption in every country of the world

Today’s world is changing very fast, people are moving out of mud houses and living in permanent houses. Infrastructure is developing. New skyscrapers, roads, highways, bridges, dams and many other things are being built and cement is required for all these things. If we look at the figures, between 2011 and 2013, China used 6.4 gigatons of cement, which was more than America’s consumption in 100 years. America used a total of 4.5 gigatons of cement in 100 years. In fact, China is the world’s largest cement producer and consumer and has 60 percent share in the world’s production and consumption. According to a report, 8% of the carbon emissions in the world are emitted from cement.

Also read: Which animal was first made pet by humans, what use do people make of it now?