We are not a threat to you… China got into a bad situation due to the trade war with America, when the market fell, it pleaded for a compromise


The trade war between China and America has been going on for a long time.China wants America to lift the ban on its goods.This issue was raised in the talks between the ministers of China and America.

New Delhi. For the last four-five years, everyone has seen the trade war between China and America. To protect its business interests, America first imposed one ban after another on China. In response, the Dragon also took action to close the American markets for itself. The market of China, which calls itself the factory of the world, is suffering huge losses due to these sanctions. In such a situation, Xi Jinping’s government is now seen on the back foot in front of America. Jinping’s minister even said while meeting his American counterpart that you do not need to be afraid of our big markets. This is like an opportunity for you.

According to Reuters, China’s Deputy Minister of Commerce Wang Shouwen met his US counterpart for international trade Marisa Lago in Tianjin city of China. This is the second conversation between the two officials this year. During this, the Chinese leader said that we are an opportunity for you, not a threat. Earlier, China’s Commerce Ministry had said that America should remove all tariffs on Chinese goods. Joe Biden’s administration had increased the tax on electric vehicles made in China more than necessary.

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China opposed the sanctions
The Chinese ministry said on Saturday that professional, rational and practical talks were held on policy and business issues raised by the business communities of the two countries. It said that China expressed concern over US taxes on its goods and other issues. It also said that China opposes trade and investment restrictions on the pretext of excessive capacity.

Markets around the world are closing for China!
Let us tell you that not only America but countries like India have also increased the import duty on many goods coming from China to strengthen their local markets. Many other countries are also involved in this. China is suffering a lot due to such shocks from big countries. The markets for selling the goods being manufactured in its markets are getting limited.

Tags: China news, US News, World news