Vijay Varma Suffering From Vitligo: Actor Vijay Verma’s film ‘1C814- The Kandahar Hijack’ has been released on Netflix on 29 August. Before the release of the film, Vijay was busy in promotions. During this, the actor has made a shocking revelation in an interview. Vijay Verma has told that he is suffering from a disease and he had kept it hidden from everyone.
In a conversation with Times of India, Vijay Verma revealed that he has a skin disease called vitiligo. Explaining the reason for keeping it a secret, the actor said, ‘I did not make it a big deal. It is just a superficial thing and it is not something that can change the direction of your life.’
‘I kept it hidden for my films…’
Vijay said, ‘We make it a big deal because it is something that is there, but I never made it a big issue, when I was an unemployed actor I used to worry that it would become a hindrance. But seeing a lot of success, I have no problem with it. I keep it hidden for my films because it is just a distraction and I don’t want my audience to see anything other than what I want to show them, that’s why I hide it.’
Nobody talked about Vijay’s illness
The actor further says, ‘For my public appearance, I have never bothered to hide it all these years. People these days are very intelligent and I feel that in today’s generation, my skin condition has never been talked about openly. Had it been some other time, then maybe it could have become a topic of discussion.’
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