New York. India on Saturday put forth its point in the United Nations (UN) stressing on curbing terrorism. Deputy Permanent Representative R Ravindra appeared in the House on behalf of India. He said that to curb terrorism, first of all, their funding will have to be curbed. Pointing towards Pakistan, he said that some countries show something else to the whole world, while they keep making the laws of their country for the convenience of terrorists. If such countries are exposed and the Augusta proposal of 2018 and funding are tracked, then terrorism can be curbed to some extent.
Speaking during a briefing of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Ravindra said that some countries use terrorism as a tool of state policy. If they do not stop this, then many multilateral forums including our Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) can be affected.
Double standards must be avoided
Ravindra further said, ‘When we talk about international peace and security, you will agree that terrorism is one of the most serious threats. Therefore, double standards should be avoided in our fight against terrorism. Some countries are using terrorism as an instrument of state policy. Such an approach is likely to affect cooperation in multilateral forums, including the SCO.’
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Funding needs to be stopped
Ravindra said, ‘We have to present our resolve to fight all forms of terrorism to the whole world. To break the back of terrorism, we should crack down on all its supports, especially funding.’ He talked about full implementation of the UNSC resolution and targeted sanctions on terrorist individuals and organizations to effectively combat terrorism.
Those who provide shelter to terrorists must be stopped
Ravindra also spoke on the Astana proposal. He said that the SCO has already agreed in the Astana Declaration on 4 July 2024 that those countries should be isolated and exposed which provide shelter to terrorists, give them safe haven and promote terrorism.
Astana proposal
In fact, the Astana Proposal was a global conference on primary health care held in Astana, Kazakhstan by the World Health Organization in 1997. It emphasized the important role of primary health care worldwide. The aim of this declaration was to ensure that everyone, everywhere in the world, can enjoy the highest possible health benefits.
Tags: United Nation
FIRST PUBLISHED : July 20, 2024, 08:20 IST