Border closed, deployment of forces and… North Korea increased South Korea’s tension, Kim Jong will smoke and smoke

Seoul: Amidst the Israel-Lebanon war, the threat of another war is being heard. Now tension has increased between North Korea and South Korea. The kind of situation that is developing, war can break out between North Korea and South Korea at any time. North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un himself has threatened to create smoke with a nuclear bomb. Kim Jong Un has already started preparations in view of the possible war situation in his country. Due to this, tension has also increased on the border of North Korea and South Korea. North Korea said on Wednesday that it would permanently close its border with South Korea.

Not only this, North Korea says that it will strengthen the defense position of its front to deal with the situation of conflict with the forces of South Korea and America. North Korea, however, did not announce the constitutional amendment required to formally declare South Korea as its principal enemy and codify new national boundaries. The moves appear to be a pressure tactic on North Korea, but it is unclear what impact it will have on relations with South Korea, as cross-border travel and exchanges have been halted for years.

North Korea

North Korean flag visible from South Korea.

North Korea’s military said on Wednesday it will completely cut off road and rail links with South Korea and surround areas on its side with strong defense structures, according to North Korea’s official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). Will strengthen. North Korea’s army has described this step as a self-defense step with the intention of preventing war and security.

North Korea Tensions

North Korea has increased the deployment of its troops on the border.

Citing various war exercises in South Korea, the deployment of US strategic assets on the Korean Peninsula and harsh rhetoric from opposing countries, Kim Jong Un’s military said hostile forces are becoming more reckless in their frenzy of confrontation. At the same time, South Korean officials had earlier said that North Korea has been installing anti-tank barriers on its border since April and is increasing the deployment of troops on the border roads. He had said that North Korea probably did this to strengthen its frontline security position and to prevent its soldiers and civilians from going to South Korea.

A day before this, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had threatened that North Korea could use nuclear weapons in a possible conflict with South Korea and America. Kim accused both countries of provoking North Korea into war and promoting enmity on the Korean Peninsula. Kim has given such threats many times before. Experts say that this recent warning by Kim has been given with the intention of promoting enmity by North Korea before the presidential elections to be held in America next month. (from input language)

Tags: North Korea, North korea tension, South korea, World news