A fire that never goes off, know what is zombie fire?

Zombie fire is a unique and mysterious fire, which cannot be extinguished. This is a type of natural fire that keeps burning for many years and there is very little chance of it getting extinguished. . The question arises that how does this fire burn and why is it difficult to extinguish it? Let’s find out.

What is Zombie Fire?

Zombie Fire, ie zombie fire It is a fire that burns slowly inside the ground or in the roots of treesIt keeps smoldering slowly. This fire often occurs after a forest fire in the summer season. When the forest fire is extinguished, So some parts inside the ground or in the roots of the trees remain warm. These warm parts slowlyThey continue to smolder slowly and become zombie fire.

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Why is zombie fire so dangerous?

Zombie fires often occur underground or in the roots of trees, That’s why it’s difficult to see. This fire sends smoke into the air, But there are no flames. So, People are often unaware of this danger. At the same time, zombie fire spreads very slowlySpreads slowly, That is why it is difficult to control it. Sometimes it keeps smoldering for months or years. Also Zombie fires destroy forests, reduces soil fertility and increases carbon dioxide emissions. It also promotes climate change.

जॉम्बी फायर कहां होती है?

Zombie fires usually occur in areas where there is a high risk of forest fires. For example, incidents of forest fires are increasing in the Arctic region due to global warming. Boreal forests are found in the Northern Hemisphere and incidents of zombie fires are common here too. Apart from this, zombie fires can also occur in swampy areas.

जॉम्बी फायर से कैसे बचाव किया जा सकता है?

To prevent forest fires, it is important to spread awareness and take safety measures. Satellites can be used to identify zombie fires. Also special techniques are used to extinguish zombie fire.                                     

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