The All India Forest Sports Competition started with much fanfare, in which T-20 captain Suryakumar Yadav was especially present. He appreciated the greenery and forest wealth of Chhattisgarh and congratulated the players. Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai inaugurated the competition, in which he talked about the participation of more than three thousand players.
By Vakeesh Sahu
Publish Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2024 11:13:54 PM (IST)
Updated Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2024 11:32:43 PM (IST)
- Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai inaugurated the All India Forest Sports Competition.
- The Forest Sports Competition was inaugurated with much fanfare, which will continue till 20th October.
- The Chief Minister honored cricketer Suryakumar Yadav for his contribution.
Naiduniya Representative, Raipur. All India Forest Sports Competition has started with fireworks. The competition will end on October 20. T-20 captain Surya Kumar Yadav was especially present at the inauguration. Suryakumar started his address by saying Jai Johar Raipur.
He told that this is his third visit to Chhattisgarh. Coming this time is also very special. Chhattisgarh’s area is 44 percent forest. Have seen greenery and energy all around. All this is the result of your hard work. Here there is green gold i.e. forest abundance. There is Bastar Myna, which remains a topic of discussion in the country. The logo of the competition has also been made of Pahari Myna. International level players will emerge here also. Congratulating all the players, he finally raised a slogan – Chhattisgarhiya is the best….
The competition was inaugurated by Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai. On this occasion, he said that this is the land of Mata Kaushilya, the maternal birthplace of Lord Ram. The popularity of this event increases day by day. It started in 1992 and very few players took part in it. Today, more than three thousand players are participating in the competition being held in Chhattisgarh.
He said, India is a country full of diversity. In this way, when players meet each other in events, they get to know each other’s culture and traditions. Sports and infrastructure have developed under the leadership of the Prime Minister in the last two decades. In Chhattisgarh, the game of ornamentation, which was closed for a few years, has been started again.
Chief Minister Sai said that protecting forests is not easy, but the forest department is taking good care of it in Chhattisgarh. He said that sports increases mutual brotherhood as well as fitness. He told the players that if you have come here, then take memories from here. This is from Kanker Valley to Chitrakoot Falls. Time must pass.
In the program, Deputy Chief Minister Arun Sao, Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Sharma, Forest Minister Kedar Kashyap, Minister Tank Ram Verma, Minister Lakhan Lal, Minister Dayaldas Baghel, Bihar Forest Minister Prem Kumar along with MLAs Rajesh Munat, Anuj Sharma, Motilal Sahu, Purandar Mishra, Leena Nand, Secretary, Ministry of Forest, Environment and Climate Change, Government of India, Principal Chief Forest Force Chief V. Srinivas Rao etc. were present.
March past was also taken out
Participants from 29 states of the country, 10 union territories and various forestry institutions of the central government have taken part in the sports competition. Who welcomed the guests with an attractive march past. 300 sports competitions will be organized here in 23 sports disciplines. Where both indoor and outdoor sports are included.
The program participated in large gatherings from places like Chhattisgarh, Andaman-Nicobar, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chandigarh, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Ladakh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur etc. Numbers include players.
Chief Minister honored Surya Kumar Yadav
Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai honored cricketer Surya Kumar Yadav. The Chief Minister was presented with a flag shaped like a banyan tree. On this occasion, he said that he appreciated Surya Kumar’s sporting spirit and his achievements.