Social media platforms X But on Wednesday (August 28), from around 8:24 am to around 9:00 am, several outage complaints were registered. According to Downdetector, many users in India faced problems in accessing X and refreshing the feed on both the web and app versions. is a platform that tracks outages of websites and online services in real time. According to this, most people have registered problems in Delhi, Kolkata, Nagpur, Cuttack, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Chennai. Apart from this, people have reported outages in many cities including Patna, Lucknow, Jaipur.
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70% people have problems due to app connection
According to Downdetector, about 70% of people are facing problems with the app. At the same time, 27% of people are facing problems in accessing the web and about 3% have reported that they are facing problems with server connection.
X has more than 33 crore users
According to Statista, X has around 33 crore users worldwide. It has 9.5 crore users in the US and 2.7 crore users in India. About 50 crore posts are made every day. It was launched in July 2006. On 27 October 2022, Elon Musk bought it for $44 billion. As per today’s rate, this amount is around Rs 3.6 lakh crore.
Earlier it was down on 26 April
Earlier, it went down on 26 April at 1.15 pm. According to Downdetector, many users in India faced problems in accessing X (formerly Twitter) on both web and app versions. is a platform that tracks outages of websites and online services in real time.