Why did CISF Constable Kulwinder Kaur Slap Kangana Ranaut? The Reason Behind This Incident.

Kangana Ranaut, the actress and Member of Parliament from Mandi, has accused a CISF officer at Chandigarh airport of slapping her. She reported this happened while she was on her way from Chandigarh to Delhi.

The incident involving CISF constable Kulwinder Kaur and Kangana Ranaut occurred at Chandigarh Airport. Kulwinder Kaur was reportedly upset with Kangana Ranaut over her past comments on the farmers’ protests.

According to reports, Kaur mentioned that her mom was part of the farmers’ peaceful protest against new farming rules. She got upset when Kangana Ranaut claimed that the farmers were only protesting to get money.

Kulwinder Kaur has been temporarily removed from her job, and they’re going to officially investigate what happened. Farmer groups are also thinking of protesting to support Kulwinder Kaur. They want a complete investigation and to make sure she isn’t unfairly punished.

Many farmer organizations are supporting Kulwinder Kaur, the CISF constable, after her incident involving Kangana Ranaut. They’ve said that they don’t approve of Kaur’s behavior, but people should try to understand why she became so upset. The leaders of these farmer groups believe that Kangana Ranaut had made some insulting comments about women who were part of the farmer protests, and those remarks led to Kaur’s emotional reaction.

Additionally, multiple farmer unions are planning to organize a protest rally on June 9, demanding fair treatment for Kulwinder Kaur and a proper inquiry into the entire sequence of events leading to the incident. They have emphasized the need for a thorough investigation without any undue action against her. The support from the farmer unions highlights the ongoing tension between different groups over the farm laws and the sentiments of the farming community.

Also, Several farmer unions are getting ready to hold a protest on June 9. They want Kulwinder Kaur to be treated fairly and are calling for a detailed investigation into what led up to the incident. They insist on a full inquiry without any unfair treatment towards her. This support shows the continuing disagreement among various groups about the farm laws and how the farmers feel about these issues.