Whether Hasan Nasrullah is alive or dead is not known yet, but the enmity between Hasan Nasrullah and Israel is well known. Nasrallah was born on 31 August 1960 in Beirut, Lebanon. He is a Shia Muslim and in his youth he started his political journey by joining the Amal Party, active under the leadership of Imam Musa Sadar.
Nasrallah’s ideology became stronger after the Iranian Revolution of 1979. He took inspiration from Iran’s Shia Islamic principles and quickly joined Hezbollah, which was supported by Iran. Following the death of Hezbollah’s first Secretary General Abbas al-Moussawi in an Israeli attack in 1992, Nasrallah became Hezbollah’s leader.
Rise of Hezbollah and hostility to Israel
Hezbollah, meaning “Party of Allah”, was founded in 1982 following Israel’s invasion of Lebanon. Its main objective was to expel Israeli forces from southern Lebanon and to provide resistance against Israel. From the very beginning of Hezbollah, Nasrallah worked to transform it into a strong militia, with significant financial and military support from Iran.
Nasrallah established Hezbollah not only as a military force but also as a social and political organization. The Sunnis and Christians of Lebanon were against it but it had military power so that no one could oppose it.
Israel’s sworn enemy
Tensions between Hassan Nasrallah and Israel continued to increase since the 1980s. In 2006, a 34-day war between Israel and Hezbollah, known as the “Lebanon War”, broke out. Hezbollah, led by Nasrallah, showed serious resistance against Israeli troops, forcing Israel to withdraw from southern Lebanon.
raising troops in lebanon
Hezbollah operated as a militia in Lebanon from its beginnings, but under Nasrallah’s leadership the organization transformed into a powerful army. He turned Hezbollah into a strong military force by receiving military support from Iran’s Quds Force and the Syrian government. Hezbollah has rockets, missiles and other modern weapons, which it uses to spread terror and attack Israel.