On the occasion of Rakshabandhan, we will get to see the view of Blue Moon. Many people like to see the beautiful moon at night.. In such a situation, many times we see that the moon looks different from the earth every day. The full moon is visible on the full moon day. Sometimes the moon appears shining in red and at other times it appears very big. Actually these phases of the moon are called Blue Moon., It is called blood moon and supermoon.. So let’s find out what exactly this is.
what is a blood moon?
One meaning of blood moon is its red glowing moon. This blood moon occurs during a total lunar eclipse. during a total lunar eclipse, the earth comes between the moon and the sun. This hides the moon from the sunlight.
when it happens, So the only light that reaches the Moon’s surface is from the edges of the Earth’s atmosphere. Air molecules from the Earth’s atmosphere scatter most of the blue light. The remaining light changes on the surface of the moon with a red glow, Which makes the moon appear red in the night sky. The name Blood Moon has never been used–Sometimes it is also used for the moon which is covered in dust in the sky, Appears red due to smoke or haze and may occur on one of the autumn full moons when the leaves are turning red.
what is a supermoon?
A supermoon is a larger moon than usual in the night sky. The supermoon appears bigger only because it is a little closer to the Earth. Supermoon is just a nickname for what astronomers call the perigean full moon, A moon that is full and at its closest point in its orbit around Earth.
what is a blue moon?
When you hear someone say this, once in a blue moon … So you know they’re talking about something rare. The blue moon is not blue in colour. In fact, a blue moon is a regular, looks no different from the monthly full moon.
Rather, the Blue Moon is special because it is an extra moon in a season of four full moons. This usually happens every two and a half years. 1940 Since the 1990s the term blue moon has also been used for the second full moon in a calendar month. This usually happens every two and a half years.
what is a harvest moon?
Harvest Moon The meaning of the word is complete, The brightest moon that occurs closest to the beginning of autumn. This name is from the time before electricity, When farmers depended on the moonlight to harvest their crops late into the night. The moonlight was especially needed during the fall, when the harvest is the biggest.
In this way all these types of moons are different from each other.
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