New Delhi. Prime Minister Narendra Modi held bilateral talks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday. After this meeting, PM Modi advocated in front of the media that Russia-Ukraine should start talks without wasting any time. Along with this, PM Modi also mentioned his visit to Russia in front of President Zelensky and he himself told what he had said while looking into the eyes of Russian President Vladimir Putin?
The Prime Minister also mentioned his visit to Russia in the presence of Zelensky and the talks he had with President Vladimir Putin during that visit and said that he had clearly told the Russian President that this is not the time for war. He said, “I had clearly said that no problem is ever solved on the battlefield. The solution is only through dialogue, dialogue and diplomacy and we should move forward in that direction without wasting time.”
He said that when we are meeting face to face today, I have come to see the place of martyrdom of children on the land of Ukraine and my heart is full. Today I would like to discuss with you especially on the path to move forward towards peace. I want to assure you that India has been at the forefront to play its meaningful role in every effort for peace, personally I can also contribute towards this. I would definitely like to do this. As a friend, I assure you. Today when I have come here, tomorrow is your National Day, I would like all of us to see the sun of peace rising as soon as possible.
PM Modi said that we met in Glasgow in 2021 and were experiencing deep friendship in the first meeting. Then you had urged me to come to Ukraine, but I cannot imagine that I would have to come to Ukraine in such a situation. Our bilateral agreements are also progressing in such a difficult period. I can say that the maturity of both our countries is visible in such a tense situation.
He said that in the initial days of the war, thousands of children from India who had come here to get education were trapped due to this war. The help you provided in getting them out and the sensitivity with which you understood our concerns and tried your best to resolve them. For this, on behalf of me and 140 crore Indians and on behalf of those children and families who have come out of that time of crisis, I express my heartfelt gratitude to you today.
PM Modi said, “The world knows very well that we played two roles during the war. Our first role was of humanitarian approach. I assure you that whatever kind of humanitarian approach is needed, India will always stand with you and will go two steps ahead. The second path we have chosen is to stay away from war, we have very firmly stayed away from war. But, this does not mean that we were neutral, we were not neutral, we have been a partisan from day one.”
He further said, “Our side is peace, we come from the land of Buddha where there is no place for war, we come from the land of Mahatma Gandhi who has given the message of peace to the whole world. Today I have brought the sentiments of 140 crore Indians to Ukraine, the sentiments of 140 crore Indians are inspired by humanity, today I have brought the message of peace to the land of Ukraine.”
Tags: Narendra modi, Vladimir Putin, Volodymyr Zelensky
FIRST PUBLISHED : August 24, 2024, 17:36 IST