New Delhi. Bollywood actress Ananya Pandey, the heartthrob of the youth, follows cricket very closely. She has been seen supporting Kolkata Knight Riders many times during IPL. Ananya has shot an ad with the young opener of the Indian cricket team, Shubman Gill. People are liking the chemistry of the two in it. After seeing this ad, people started spreading rumors of an affair between the two. Amidst all this, Ananya has revealed the name of her all-time sports person. She did not take the name of Gill or Hardik Pandya, but she is a fan of Virat Kohli.
When 25-year-old actress Ananya Pandey was asked in an interview who is your all-time sports person? Ananya took the name of Virat Kohli without wasting any time. When the video of Gill and Ananya’s ad shoot came out, a photo of both of them was much discussed. In this video, Shubman Gill was seen hugging actress Ananya Pandey. The ad shoot that both of them did is for an audio company. After watching this video, people started making different comments. A user on social media wrote that Ananya is lucky that she got a chance to work with Prince. Gill’s nickname is Prince.
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.@ananyapandayy named Virat Kohli as her favorite sportsperson of all time! @imVkohli • #ViratKohli • #ViratGang
— (@ViratGangIN) September 13, 2024