There are some leaders in the world who have the power to press a button, Which can destroy the whole world. These are the leaders who have control of nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons are the most destructive invention in human history and their misuse can endanger the existence of entire humanity.
Which countries have nuclear weapons?
Only a few countries in the world have nuclear weapons. These include America, Russia, China, France, Britain, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea. These countries have a large stockpile of nuclear weapons and these weapons are a big threat to the world.
How are nuclear weapons controlled?
Nuclear weapons control is a complex process. Every country has a different system for controlling nuclear weapons. Generally, control of nuclear weapons rests in the hands of both military and civilian authorities. There are many levels of security systems in place to launch nuclear weapons so that no one can launch these weapons accidentally or intentionally.
Which leaders have control of the atomic bomb?
Nuclear arms control is a sensitive and delicate matter, Because their misuse can be dangerous for the whole world. The existence of nuclear weapons is a form of security concern "डिटरेंट" That is, it is seen as a deterrent power, The purpose of which is to prevent attacks on any country. However, When control of these weapons falls into the wrong hands, So this can become a threat to the entire humanity. This is the reason why strict laws and protocols have been made at the international level regarding the control of nuclear weapons.
United States America (USA)- United States of America, Which is the world’s largest nuclear weapons country,‘s nuclear arsenal is considered one of the most developed and powerful weapons in the worldIn America, control of nuclear weapons is in the hands of the President.
रूस (Russia)- Russia also has the most powerful nuclear arsenal in the world and the control of Russia’s nuclear weapons rests with the Russian President.
चीन (China)- चीन, which is one of the countries with the largest nuclear weapons in the world, The nuclear arsenal of this country is also a big military forceThe President of China is given this authority under the system that gives control of nuclear weapons. China’s use of nuclear weapons is a "Cold Strike" Is done under policy, The purpose of which is to threaten the enemy with a retaliatory attack.
भारत (India)- India is also a nuclear power and the Indian Prime Minister has control of the country’s nuclear weaponsNuclear policy of India "No First Use" (NFU) is based on, Which means India will not be the first to use nuclear weapons, But if there is a nuclear attack on India, then he will counter-attack.
पाकिस्तान (Pakistan)- Pakistan is also a nuclear power and the control of its nuclear weapons rests with the Pakistani Prime Minister and Defense Minister. Pakistan’s nuclear command and control system is such a system, In which the Prime Minister, The President and the military chief all attend. However, Nuclear attack can be ordered by the military chief, But all final decisions are taken in the National Security Committee.
United Kingdom (UK)- The United Kingdom also has an abundant stockpile of nuclear weapons and there the Prime Minister has the authority to order a nuclear attack. The British Prime Minister also has special security protocols to order a nuclear attack and this order cannot be given without the approval of Parliament.
फ्रांस (France) – France also comes among the countries having nuclear power and there the French President has the right to give control of nuclear weapons. French nuclear policy "Strike force" is based on the principle of, Which acts as a deterrent force. To order a nuclear attack, the French President has to take a decision in collaboration with a specific military officer and the National Defense.
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