Richest Religion in The World christian People richest in the world

Richest Religion in The World: You must have seen a lot of figures of rich people around the world. For a time, Bill Gates was holding number one in the list of world’s nobles, but now Tesla owner Alan Musk has remained the world’s number one rich. However, we will talk about the world’s richest religion here. Do you know which religions are the most rich in the world?

According to a report by New World Wealth, Christians have the highest number of assets worldwide. After this comes the number of Muslims and then Hindus. The report states that Christians have the highest number of assets worldwide, followed by Muslims and then Hindus. At the same time, a large part of the property of the world is also with those who do not believe in any religion.

Christians have so much property

According to the New World Wealth report, Christians dominate the ‘High Net Worth Individuals’ (US $ 1 million or more) on the basis of religion. After this comes the number of Muslims and then Hindus. According to the report, people of Christianity have assets of US $ 107,280 billion, which is 55 per cent of the total wealth of the world.

How much property has Muslims and Hindus?

The number of Muslims comes after Christians. People of Muslim community around the world have 11,335 billion assets, which is 5.9 percent of the total wealth of the world. At number three is people of Hinduism, who have 6,505 billion (3.3 percent) assets. At the same time, people of Jewish religion have a total assets of US $ 2,079 billion, which is 1.1 percent. According to the report, seven of the 10 richest countries in the world are Christian -dominated. At the same time, a large part of the world’s total assets (US $ 67,832 billion) is with people who do not believe in any religion. This is 34.8 percent of the total assets.

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