People here chop and eat the dead body after death, this strange practice will give you goosebumps

After death, people are cremated in different ways in different parts of the world. At some places, the process of cremation is such that it sounds strange. In such a situation, do you know that there is a place where people cut the body of a person after death and eat it. Let us know about this strange practice today.

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Here people chop and eat the body of a person after the last rites

The death of a loved one is a cause of sorrow for every person. In such a case, after his death, the ritualHis soul is given peace by performing the last rites as per the rituals. This method of last rites is different in every placeis different. You will be surprised to hear the funeral rituals in some places. In such a situation, do you know that there is a place where people cut the dead body of the person and eat it during the funeral. जी हां, You are reading it right.

Actually this is Indo 8 years old tradition. In this practice, after death, people chop up the bodies and eat them.

They eat rotting dead bodies!

There are some places where people eat rotting dead bodies.  Some people first let these bodies rot and then let them rot until a watery liquid starts oozing out of the body. This strange sounding practice is still practiced today. Some historians say that this practice was done so that the substance could be used to make alcohol and then drink it in memory of the loved ones..

tell me indoIn European areas, this practice is especially prevalent in rural and tribal communities. Similar practices can be seen in other parts of the world as well. From a scientific point of view, the process of eating dead bodies is not considered good from the point of view of health and hygiene. Some research suggests this practice may be good from an environmental perspective, because it forms part of the natural cycle.                                                                      

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