Maruti Suzuki has launched the New Generation Swift (2024 Maruti Swift) in India. The new Swift has been launched at an ex-showroom price of Rs 6.49 lakh. At the same time, the price of its top variant has been fixed at Rs 9.65 lakh, ex-showroom. The new Swift has been launched in a total of 9 types of exterior colors. These include two types of colors – single tone and dual tone. The company has also launched two new color shades – Luster Blue and Novel Orange.
The mileage of the new Maruti Swift has also been revealed, which is 14 percent more than its old model. According to the company, the manual variants of Swift give a mileage of 24.8 kmpl and the automatic variants give a mileage of 25.75 kmpl.
Variants and colours
The 2024 Maruti Swift will be available in five variants – LXi, VXi, VXi (O), ZXi and ZXi+. It will also get nine different paint options, including both monotone and dual-tone options.
Equipped with new features
If we talk about features, many new features are now available in the new generation Maruti Swift. The company is providing 6 air bags as standard in all its variants. Apart from this, hill hold assist, three point seat belt and new suspension setup have also been provided. The cabin of the 2024 Swift now has a larger touchscreen infotainment system than before, which is inspired by the Baleno and Francox.
The new Swift measures 3,860 mm in length, 1,695 mm in width and 1,500 mm in height. It is 15 mm longer, 30 mm taller and 40 mm wider than its older model. However, its wheelbase remains the same as the older model.
Engine and Transmission
In the new generation Swift, the company has given a new Z-series 1.2-liter, three-cylinder petrol engine which generates 82 hp power and 108 Nm torque. Along with the manual gearbox, the engine is also equipped with CVT transmission. Mild-hybrid technology is also available in some of its variants.
Tags: Auto News, Maruti Suzuki
FIRST PUBLISHED : May 9, 2024, 14:50 IST