Kangana Ranaut, MP from Mandi seat of Himachal Pradesh, has launched a major attack on the Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi. Kangana posted on X and wrote that Rahul Gandhi is the most dangerous man. He is bitter, poisonous and destructive. Rahul’s agenda is that if he cannot become the Prime Minister, then he will be replaced by Rahul Gandhi.
Kangana wrote, ‘The Hindenburg report targets our stock market, which Rahul Gandhi was supporting last night. It turned out to be a useless thing. He is trying everything possible to destabilize the security and economy of this country.’
Kangana taunted and said- ‘Rahul Gandhi, you should be ready to sit in the opposition for the rest of your life. The people of this country will never make you a leader. You are a disgrace.’
Let us tell you that Hindenburg’s report has once again created a stir in the country regarding the shares of Adani Group. Due to this, the opposition is now demanding the resignation of the SEBI chief and a JPC investigation. Meanwhile, Kangana has directly attacked Rahul.
Kangana has already spoken about getting Rahul Gandhi’s drug test done
Earlier, Kangana had also talked about getting Rahul tested for drugs. Kangana had said that Rahul Gandhi should be tested for drugs considering the kind of nonsense he talks in the Parliament. He either reaches the Parliament under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Kangana had said- ‘Look, there is democracy in the country. Here the Prime Minister is elected democratically. Those who have elected the Prime Minister, do they not respect democracy? Is the Prime Minister elected by looking at any age, class or caste? Tomorrow they will say that the Prime Minister will be elected by looking at the skin color. By saying such cheap things, he (Rahul) always hurts the Constitution. He does not respect the Constitution and democracy.’
Kangana had talked about Rahul Gandhi’s drug test while talking to the media.
Has compared the protesting farmers to ‘Khalistani’ terrorists
Kangana had made many statements during the farmers’ movement. She had compared the agitators to Khalistani terrorists on social media. She had written- ‘Khalistani terrorists are putting pressure on the government today, but we should not forget a woman Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Indira Gandhi had crushed them under her shoe.
No matter how much pain he caused to this country, he crushed them like mosquitoes at the cost of his life, but did not let the country be divided. Even decades after his death, people still tremble at his name, they need a Guru like him.
Kangana had posted a story on Instagram calling the farmers Khalistanis.
Kangana had said- Women join the farmers’ movement for Rs 100
Kangana had commented on a post about the farmers’ movement. It had a photo of an elderly woman. The actress wrote, ‘Hahaha, this is the same grandmother who was featured in Time magazine for being a powerful woman of India. She is available for Rs 100.
Pakistani journalists have hijacked India’s international PR, which is an embarrassing move. We need our own people to speak internationally. Kangana mistook female farmer Mohinder Kaur for Bilkis Bano. After Kangana’s post, Mohinder Kaur filed a defamation case against her. Which is currently going on in Bathinda court.
Kangana’s post on social media in which she said that the protesting woman was available for Rs 100.
Kangana has called Rahul and Vikramaditya as small and big Pappu
During the Lok Sabha elections, Kangana had called Rahul Gandhi and Vikramaditya Singh as Chota Pappu and Bada Pappu. Kangana had said that a Bada Pappu is sitting in Delhi, Chota Pappu is in Himachal. Chota Pappu says that Kangana eats beef. If he has proof, any video, restaurant bill, photo, anything, then he should show it to the public. In fact, Vikramaditya Singh had launched a scathing attack on BJP and Kangana for eating beef.