of The Hindu Report According to the report, Reliance Jio has increased the prices of its two prepaid plans by up to Rs 300. One of these plans was earlier priced at Rs 1,099, which was Rs 1,099. price Now it is available for Rs 1,299. Free Netflix Mobile subscription is available in the plan. This Netflix plan can be enjoyed only on mobile devices. In this, content can be watched at 480p resolution.
At the same time, the price of the plan which was earlier available for Rs 1,499 has now been increased to Rs 1,799. This plan offers Netflix Basic plan, which runs on mobile as well as other devices like laptop, TV. In this, content can be viewed at 720p resolution. Keep in mind that the validity of both these plans is 84 days, which means that users can avail the benefit of Netflix subscription only for three months.
In both these plans, users get unlimited talktime and unlimited 5G connectivity along with 100 free SMS per day. However, it is important to note that the unlimited 5G connectivity included in these plans depends on 5G availability in the user’s area. The Rs 1,299 and Rs 1,799 Jio prepaid plans offer 2GB and 3GB daily high-speed data respectively. After the daily quota is exhausted, the speed drops to 64Kbps and the data remains unlimited.