Is hemp grown in pots as intoxicating as hemp grown in the fields? Know the answer

The number of people intoxicated with marijuana is increasing. This is the reason why the number of people doing illegal business is also increasing. Recently, a person was arrested from a society in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, who was growing marijuana plants in pots.

The accused named Rahul Chaudhary is accused of doing aeroponics in his flat. With the help of technology, Premium was cultivating ganja. Let us know today in this news whether potted ganja also has the same level of intoxication as the hemp plant grown in the field. Let us know about it in detail.

Difference between potted plants and field plants

Field grown hemp plants and pot grown hemp plants. There is a difference between the plants. This difference is in quality and quantity. Actually, when you plant a plant in a pot, it is not able to grow the way it does in the soil of the field. Apart from this, the environment of the farm also affects the plant. A plant grown in a pot does not get the same environment as a plant grown in a field. This affects the quality of the plant. That is, if we plant a tomato plant in a pot and plant a similar plant in the field, we will see that the tomato planted in the potted plant will be smaller. Whereas, tomatoes from game plants will be bigger and tastier. The same rule applies to the cannabis plant as well.

So how was the accused preparing premium quality ganja

Now the question arises that when the pots If the hemp plants grown in India do not have that quality then how are they being called premium. Come, let us understand this now. Actually, the accused who grow cannabis in flats use aeroponics technique. Plants grown with this technique are not like plants grown in pots. The quality of plants grown with the help of aeroponics technology is better. This happens because aeroponics is a technique of growing plants without soil. In this, the roots of the plants are suspended in the air and a mist or spray filled with nutrients is sprayed on them. In this technique, plants get sufficient amount of essential nutrients and water, due to which they grow faster.

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