If love had been strong before then love for someone else would never have happened understand the heart with your mind

Love is a common feeling in human life. Every human has a feeling of love in his heart. Some people fall in love with one person. Some people fall in love with their children and family members and some people fall in love with animals. Although people often use the word love for a partner. But you must have heard that if a person falls in love with one person, then that person does not fall in love with the other person. Today we will tell you the reason behind this.


Falling in love is a natural and common thing. People who are in love do not fall in love with someone else easily. In simple terms, if someone is in deep love, then he does not love anyone else. Today we will tell you what the mind says when one is in love.

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Loved by many people

You must have seen many times that some people love multiple people. When a person is in more than one romantic relationship at a time, it is called polyamory. It includes relationships formed apart from the partner. But there are some moral barriers for every relationship. In such a situation, if a girl is in love with two boys or a boy is in love with two girls at the same time, then she is unable to understand with whom to stay and whom to leave.

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Recognition of love

It is also seen that after talking to many people, it is not clear who is really in love with whom. In such a situation, one should use the mind and try to understand whether one really loves two people. Because many times people consider excessive attraction as love.

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If a person loves two people at the same time, then it is called cheating. In such a situation, dating two people at the same time is considered cheating. In such a situation, you should understand that you can live with only one of the two. At that time, understanding the mind and heart, you should choose one person with whom you can talk. On the other hand, if you love two people and are within the limits of being in a relationship with only one, then you should understand with whom you have more emotional attachment. You should also see who respects your feelings.

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