First a party, then he took away the helicopter, what this young man did, even the government was shocked

A man stole a helicopter and started running away with it. While running, he lost control and finally the helicopter crashed into a luxurious hotel. More than 400 guests were sleeping in this hotel. This sudden accident took everyone’s sleep away. But now the revelations about the pilot are shocking. The incident is from Cairns city of Australia.

The helicopter belonged to Queensland’s tour agency Nautilus Aviation. The company said that this pilot was not trained. He was appointed as a ground crew member at another base. But on Sunday night he had a party in which all the crew members, ground staff and his friends participated. Everyone celebrated together. After some time he reached the helicopter hangar. He was not allowed to reach the helicopter, despite this he played this trick. And then he ran away from there with the helicopter.

More than 400 people stranded
The helicopter crashed into the roof of the Double Tree Hotel and caught fire. The pilot died in the accident, but the biggest concern was to evacuate the people staying in the hotel. Because more than 400 people were trapped in this hotel. Officials said that two guests were injured, who were admitted to the hospital.

I remembered the 9/11 incident
A woman staying in the hotel narrated the entire incident as she had seen it. She said, it felt like a disaster had struck. The weather was very bad. The helicopter was flying very low without any light. After moving around for some time, it collided with the building and then there was a huge explosion. Another eyewitness said that he saw the helicopter flying near the hotel twice. It seemed like it was going out of control.
According to Queensland Police, two rotor blades of the helicopter broke off due to the collision with the hotel. Anyone who saw this video on social media was reminded of the 9/11 incident. When the helicopter collided with the World Trade Center and thousands of people lost their lives.

Tags: Australia news, Plane Crash