Donald Trump US Emergency: What is the impact of this decision of US Army Trump on Emergency Border in America

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Donald Trump Emergency US: Donald Trump announced a national emergency on the US-Mexico border as soon as he took over the presidential and took tough measures to stop illegal migrants. He did the right to citizenship to …Read more

Emergency installed in America, US Army will be posted on the border

Donald Trump has announced the National Emergency. (Reuters/AP)

Washington: Donald Trump has taken a big decision as soon as America’s President was sworn in. Trump has announced a national emergency on the southern border of America. He announced that the US Army would be sent to the border of Mexico. Apart from this, he has demanded to end the right to citizenship of birth in America. After signing these orders, Trump held a press conference in the Oval Office. He said that this is a big decision. However, Trump’s attempt to eliminate the citizenship of birth may face legal challenges. If the citizenship of birth ends, then it will also affect Indians.

US President Trump has accepted it and said, ‘I think we have a good basis.’ Another executive order announced the National Emergency on the US-Mexico border. Trump said, ‘I have no problem with those who come to America legally with a visa. I like it We need people and I absolutely agree with it. Earlier, after taking oath, he said in the speech that we will stop the devastating attack on America.

Will send back illegal immigrants
Donald Trump reiterated his election promise and said that we will stop illegal immigrants immediately. He said, ‘We will send millions of criminal aliens back from where they have come.’ White House Deputy Press Secretary Anna Kelly had earlier announced that the Trump administration would end the practice of giving shelter in the country. Trump’s chief advisor and anti -radical immigration Stephen Miller wrote on social media, ‘All the illegal foreigners who want to enter America should now return. Any person coming to the US will be sent back without permission.

Also read- How powerful is the Executive Order of the President of America?

Indians will have a direct impact
The decision taken by Trump to remove illegal migrants will also affect Indians. According to the report of Financial Express, 725,000 illegal Indians are expected to be in the US. Indians are the third largest group in America without documents. Indians will also be a big part among millions of illegal migrants. Many Indians have gone to America illegally. At the same time, there are many whose visa is over and they are still in America. However, taking such a large number of people out of the country can be a difficult and expensive step for Trump.


Emergency installed in America, US Army will be posted on the border