8th Pay commission News: The Central Government has recently announced the 8th Pay Commission. After this, people want to know more and more about the Pay Commission. So far seven pay commissions have been implemented in the country. After every pay commission, the salary of central government employees increases. We have told you about the first and second pay commission after the independence of the country. Now let us talk about the third pay commission implemented in the country.
When did the Third Pay Commission come into effect? What was the salary of central government employees before its implementation? How much was the salary increased? How much less was this salary than today’s? We will know all this further…
Also read: When was the first pay commission in India, how much was the salary fixed then?
How much salary did you get before the Third Pay Commission?
Before the implementation of the Third Pay Commission, the Second Pay Commission was constituted in August 1957. Its tenure was till August 1959. In this Pay Commission, the socialist model was adopted and attention was paid to balancing the economy and cost of living. At the time of the Second Pay Commission, the minimum salary of central employees was recommended at Rs 80 per month. That means, in the second pay commission, the salary of central employees was increased by 14.2 percent.
How much was the salary increased in the third pay commission?
The Third Pay Commission in the country was constituted from April 1970 to March 1971. The chairman of this pay commission was Raghubir Dayal. The Third Pay Commission emphasized equality in pay in the private-government sector, and also tried to remove the existing loopholes in the pay structure. In this pay commission, the salary of central employees was increased by 20.6% compared to the second pay commission. After the implementation of the recommendations, the minimum wage of the employees went from Rs 80 to Rs 185. About 30 lakh employees had benefited from the Pay Commission, the financial impact of which was Rs 12.8 billion.
Also read: After the first pay commission, how much salary was increased in the second pay commission, see the details yourself